Hardware Information: DCX card

External D-9 connector pinout

Pin # Channel Assignment
023J1850 BUS
05allVIN -
062CCD Vterm
09allVIN +

BUS termination requirements

CCD may require termination, if it is needed place a 120 Ohm resistor between Bus+ & Bus - (Pins 8 & 7), or a 13k resistor between BUS+ & GND and a 13K resistor between BUS- and Vterm.

Event definitions

The following values may be transmitted as FT_EVENT type GCProtocol frames.
The event value will be in the event field of such a frame.

J1850 Events
Note: Please see the include file dev_dlc.h for numeric values of the following symbols.

Event nameEvent meaning
GDLCBREAKBreak received
GDLCCRCERRCRC error detected
GBLICERRJ1850 chip experienced an error. See the HIP7010 datasheet.
GBLICFTUJ1850 chip has reset itself, normally due to a slow clock.

SCI Events
Note: Please see the include file dev_uart.h for numeric values of the following symbols.

Event nameEvent meaning
GUARTRXOVERReceive buffer overrun.
GUARTPARITYParity error.
GUARTBREAKBreak on bus.
GUARTGTIMEError with 's timestamp.
GSCIESCERRSCI escape sequence on bus.
GUARTSTAT_ERRORError receiving message.

Please also see generic events for non card-specific events.

Card-specific IOCTL definitions

These values are used with the CMD_CARD_IOCTL command.
Please see the include file dev_dlc.h for numeric values of IOCTLS and data field bit assignments.

IOCTL nameFunctionData field length/purpose
GDLCGETFOURXGet J1850 4x-speed flag1 data byte returned: current 4x-speed flag
GDLCSETFOURXSet J1850 4x-speed flag1 data byte: new 4x-speed flag
Set values valid only after net INIT IOCTL.
GDLCGETHDRMODEGet header mode1 data byte: current header mode
Controls number of header bytes.
Possible modes: zero, one, or three header bytes; one byte OBD mode; auto mode. Default: one byte OBD mode.
GDLCSETHDRMODESet header mode1 data byte: new header mode
GDLCGETRXMODEGet Receive IFR Mode1 data byte
GDLCSETRXMODEEnable/disable IFR receive check delay1 data byte Possible modes: GDLCRXDEFAULT (currently only one mode)
GVPWADDIFRAdd IFR response.** IFR response is used to send a response to an IFR request. It consists of the IFR data to send, criteria the received message data should meet, whether the normalization bit should be set, and how many bytes of data the message being replied to will have.
2 bytesIFR filter length
2 bytesIFR length
1 byteNormalization bit (boolean, 0 or 1)
1 byteReserved
2 bytesMessage Length, number of bytes to receive before sending IFR data
IFR filter lengthIFR filter to match incoming message to send an IFR
IFR filter lengthIFR filter mask, 0 = don't care, 1 = care.
IFR lengthIFR data to send in response to message matching pattern and mask
**Note: All fields which are 2 bytes in length are in host byte order.
GVPWCLRIFRSRemoves all IFR responses.None.

** Note: Currenly only one IFR response is allowed at a time. Subsequent GVPWADDIFR calls will overwrite the last response loaded.

These values are used with the CMD_CARD_IOCTL command.
Please see the include file dev_uart.h for numeric values of IOCTLS and data field bit assignments.

IOCTL nameFunctionData field length/purpose
GUARTGETBAUDBASEGet baud base frequency4 bytes
GUARTGETDIVGet divisor4 bytes: Divisor used in network baud base.
GUARTSETDIVSet divisor4 bytes: Divisor used to set network baud base.
Set values valid only after net INIT IOCTL.
GUARTGETRXMODEGet RX mode1 byte: Current RX Mode (see definition below)
GUARTMODECHRYSLERMSCIModule uses 0x7e values to delimit received bytes into messages. It also translates '0x7d 0x5e' to '0x7e' and '0x7d 0x5d' to '0x7d'. 'hdrlen' defaults to 1 and 'hdrbits' defaults to 8 in this mode.
GUARTMODETIMEModule uses time to delimit received messages and performs no translation on data between user and network. 'hdrlen' and 'hdrbits' default to zero in this mode.
Set values valid only after net INIT IOCTL
GUARTGETTXMODEGet TX mode1 byte: Current TX mode (see definition below)
GUARTMODECHRYSLERMSCIModule will automatically mark the beginning and end of data frames with '0x7e'. Module also translates '0x7e' to '0x7d 0x5d' and '0x7e' to '0x7e 0x5e'.
GUARTMODETIMEModules uses time to delimit messages.
GUARTGETRXINTERMSGGet message delimitor time4 bytes. Time, in units of 10 microseconds, used when delimiting messages in GUARTMODETIME RX mode.
GUARTSETRXINTERMSGSet message delimiter time4 bytes. Time, in units of 10 microseconds, used when delimiting messages in GUARTMODETIME RX mode. If set to zero, module will pass each received byte to the user in an individual data frame.
GUARTGETRXFIFOTRIGGet RX FIFO trigger level2 bytes.
GUARTSETRXFIFOTRIGSet RX FIFO trigger level2 bytes. Currently only 1, 4, 8 and 14 are supported.