Utilities: gschdtx


gschdtx - Schedule a list of messages for transmit.


gschdtx hostname [ -p port ] [ -c channel ] [ -i iterations ] [ -C ] [ -w ] [-f file ]

gschdtx hostname [ -p port ] -k job id


Sends a list of messages to the 's scheduler service.


-p port
Specifies the IP port number on which the server is listening. The default port is 7000. This option would ordinarily be omitted.

-c channel
Default channel is 1. Any value used here is overridden on a per message basis, i.e., the channel specified with an individual message (if any) will be used in place of this value.

-i iterations
Specifies number of times to send the whole list. The default is 1.

Selects critical scheduler.

If this option is specified, gschdtx will wait for the schedule to finish before exiting.

-f datafile
default is stdin.

-k job_id
kills the schedule specified by job id . Mutually exclusive with any other option except -p.

The datafile takes one message per line. Blank (all whitespace) lines and lines beginning with a # character are skipped. All other lines are interpreted as list entries, which specify a message and timing parameters. List entries have a format similar to Unix command-line options, as follows:

[ -s sleep ] [ -q quantity ] [ -p period ] [ -st status] [ -c channel ] [ -h hdrbyte hdrbyte ... ] [ -d databyte databyte ... ] [ -e extrabyte extrabyte ... ]

-s sleep
specifies time to wait before starting this message loop, in milliseconds. Default is zero.

-q quantity
Specifies number of times to transmit this message. Default is one.

-p period
specifies time to wait after each transmit, in milliseconds. Default is zero.

-st status
specifies status byte (channel-specific; used to specify HV on SWCAN, FD format on CAN-FD, etc.; see channel-specific documentation for details.)

-c channel
The channel number on which to transmit this message. This overrides the global channel set on the command line. is zero.

Header, data, and extra bytes are (pairs of) hex digits, e.g. "0a db"



The 'total runtime' reported with the -w option is a gross approximation.
Problems with parsing the list entries aren't reported properly.
The error returned from the scheduler service isn't reported properly when a non-existant job_id is specified with -k .
There are no options for setting the status , mode , or context fields in the data header.
This page is incomplete.


gryphrx , gryphtx , gioctl , and gchanctl .