Utilities: gplayback


gplayback - Play back a recorded logfile


gplayback hostname [-p port] [ -c count | -s seconds | -i iterations ] [ -d delay ] [ -m chanA chanB ] [ -x ] [ -y ] [ -z infofile ] [ -t ] [-f filename ]


gplayback plays back a recorded logfile for one or more channels.

Three logfile formats are supported:
  • gryphrx output

  • logger output (converted to ASCII by dump_log utility)

  • Hercules logged file

File format is auto-detected by gplayback.


-p port
Specifies the IP port number on which the server is listening. The default port is 7000. This option would ordinarily be omitted.

-c count
Play back only count messages from the logfile.
Specify only one of the -c, -i, -s options.

-i iterations
Play back the entire logfile iterations times.
Specify only one of the -c, -i, -s options.

-s seconds
Play back only seconds seconds from the logfile.
Specify only one of the -c, -i, -s options.

-d delay
Specifies the delay between iterations (delay milliseconds) when using the -i option. Default = 0.01

Play back only post-trigger messages (if a trigger is specified in the logfile ( Logger file format only)

-m chanA chanB
Maps messages for channel number A to channel number B

-e delay
Wait delay milliseconds before starting playback

Wait for shared memory based trigger before starting playback

-x [integer]
Returns information about the specified playback file.

Daemonize (run playback in background).

-z filename
Specifies the info file; default is none.

File Format

The gryphrx file format contains one message per line, in the following format:

Ch: channel T: timestamp [H: hdrbyte hdrbyte ...] [D: databyte databyte ...] [E: extrabyte extrabyte...] [S: statusbyte]

( Logger ASCII format (via dump_log) and Hercules ASCII format are also recognized.)

Playback timing is relative; timing of messages is based on differences between timestamps in the logfile. Playback starts when:
  • First message is encountered (default)

  • Trigger line is encountered (with -t option and Logger file format)

  • Shared memory-based trigger signal is received (with -b option; experimental)

  • After delay milliseconds (with -e option)


Record network traffic to a text file with gryphrx:
gryphrx localhost > /data/playback/CAN_data.txt
(ctrl-c to end)

Play back the logged data in /data/playback/CAN_data.txt:
gplayback localhost -f /data/playback/CAN_data.txt

Convert Logger logfile LOG_20130101_172300 to ASCII format for playback, saving it in /data/playback/CANlog.txt:
dump_log /data/ LOG_20130101_172300 > /data/playback/CANlog.txt

Play back the first 10 seconds of logged data in /data/playback/CANlog.txt, redirecting messages recorded on channel 1 to channel 3:
gplayback localhost -s 10 -m 1 3 -f /data/playback/CANlog.txt


gryphrx , gryphtx , gioctl , gchanctl , and gschdtx .